mamaliguta cu branza si smantana


asta-i asa easy peasy ca si pufix the man se descurca sa faca. in fact, nu doar ca se descurca, dar el e expertul in mamaliga din casa asta:)

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12 Responses to “mamaliguta cu branza si smantana”

  1. Mishu

    De retinut: “El e expertul in mamaliga din casa asta”. Expert baaa, da?

  2. Zazuza

    tanananananaaaaaa… azi ma apuc de gatit :D! zau ca o sa te informez ce iese :))! ps: mamaliga arata solar! felicitari dl. pufix :D!

  3. powerpuffcookie

    @zazuza: yep, i have that effect on people:))) boo, confess, isn’t it true ca i made a gospo out of u?;;)

  4. boo

    nu recunosc nimic! (desi i must confess ca easy peasy + noua mea bucatarie ikea 😡 = … niste experimente interesante, ma rog, nu mancare in toate cazurile but still :))

    but pliz don’t call me gospo, it’s damaging my brand :))

  5. mazilique

    ugggh, this means my brand is toast. cu toate ca nu era cine stie ce inainte, deci nu-i mare tragedia 😛

  6. acid

    den acid iz lasagna !

  7. Mishu

    Bai deci…”EXPERT”, daaaaa?

  8. boo

    hahahaha deci your brand is mamaliga? :))))

  9. powerpuffcookie

    my brand is mazare /cough
    te-ai prins?:))

  10. Mishu

    Boo, at least I haz brand. Yours is tarnished!

  11. boo

    i totally haz brand dar luckily non-cooking-related :))

  12. Zazuza

    me iz proud to tarnish me brand (considering that I haz one in ze first place): me wanna be a gospo (too)! pe criza asta, e bine sa ai alternative :))). @ Mishu: mamaliga arata fenomenal, da? ca vad ca nu se inghesuie nimeni sa issue aprecieri… si totusi, le meriti! ma repet: mamaliga arata solar. btw, nu mai apreciaza nimeni o metafora in ziua de azi?! @ cookie: mazare rulz! ma duc sa scotocesc prin camara sa vaz ce mai fac in seara asta. it’s soooooo fun! @ anybodyelsewhomightaskquestions: yes, I still have a (demanding) job! salutari delicioase tuturor!

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