yesterday’s dinner – today’s lunch

pentru ca ieri seara am fost, mda, la bellini, mancam azi la pranz ce-ar fi trebuit sa fie ieri la cina: salata cu avocado, bacon si mozarella. i know what ur thinking: what’s for dinner?:P


9 Responses to “yesterday’s dinner – today’s lunch”

  1. ana

    vai ce dragutz, looks yummy (mai putin bacon-ul, yuck)

    dar ceilalti? what’s the office lunch menu? 😀

  2. powerpuffcookie

    hehe, nothing picture worthy!:))

  3. the electric friend

    bacon-ul arata bine….hai si branza….da nu inteleg rostul chestiilor verzi si rosii din mancare.:)

  4. powerpuffcookie

    @the electric friend: god! e ca si cum te-ntrebi ce rost au accesoriile la o rochie oscar de la renta:P pur estetic, desigur!
    just kidding, am auzit ca au si vitamine and stuff:))

  5. ana


    chestiile verzi si rosii are like underwear, sunt the best part of the outfit but you just don’t know it yet :))

    baconul trebuie sa fie printre cele mai unsexy chestii de mancare posibile btw

  6. Guus Preitinger

    rodia rulz!!!

  7. ana

    jos spanacul!!!

  8. the electric friend

    deci clar. spanacul is like the shitiest thing ever.

  9. ana

    electric friend, i like u! :))

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